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Change to Speech and Drama Adjudicator for the 2024 Festival
Katrina Mulvihill is indisposed and unable to adjudicate the Speech and Drama classes for this year’s Festival. We have been fortunate that Sam Tucker is able to take her place. Sam’s biography can be found here.
Celebration concert brings 90th Birthday Festival to a close
Our 90th Festival came to an end on Sunday with the prizewinners’ concert where the Mayor, Cllr Colin Stears, presented the trophies. The Concert was enjoyed by a number of prizewinners from earlier years.
Included in the presentations was a new 90th Festival Trophy for the performer who had given outstanding solo performances at intermediate or advanced level from any two sections of the Festival.
After the prizegiving everyone enjoyed a 90th Festival cake, donated by Bluthner’s who provide the Festival pianos.’

Sam Tucker BA (Hons) – Replacement Adjudicator

Participants at the 2023 Gala Concert with the Mayor of Sutton, Cllr Colin Stears
The 2023 Strings Masterclass
Masterclass for strings given by Ruth Rogers
Sutton Music Festival organised a very successful and enjoyable Masterclass given by Ruth Rogers on Sunday 5 March in Wallington Library. The masterclass included participants from the 2022 Festival, playing violin and cello. They played works by Bach, Sarasate, Paganini, Rachmaninov and others.
Said Ruth after the class had finished: ‘It was an honour to work with these incredibly talented young musicians. They responded so well to ideas and suggestions, and I think that it was a lovely opportunity for them to perform to an audience and interact with a professional musician. Huge thanks to the Sutton Music Festival for giving young people this opportunity’.

Participants at the 2023 Strings Masterclass
The 89th Sutton Music Festival 2022 comes to a close
The Festival came to an end on Sunday 27 November with the Prizewinners’ Concert, showing an excellent standard of performance in music and drama.

Prize winners with the Mayor at the 2022 Festival
The 2022 Wind Masterclass
Masterclass for wind players given by Gill Johnston
Sutton Music Festival organised a very successful Masterclass given by Gill Johnston on Sunday 6 March in Wallington Library. The masterclass included participants from the 2021 Festival, playing trumpet, oboe, French horn and clarinet. They played works by Mozart, Britten, Arnold and others.
Said Gill after the class had finished: ‘I have had an enjoyable afternoon in Sutton. The performers were enthusiastic and of a very high standard, with ages ranging from 5 to 16. It is quite something for them to get up here before an audience. They are all talented, and I hope I have given them some helpful feedback so they take away something positive.’

Participants at the 2022 Wind Masterclass
Composition Dedicated to Sutton Music Festival
We were delighted and honoured to hear that Festival prizewinner Apollo Premadasa decided to compose a piece for cello and piano as a thank you for the opportunities we give to young musicians. You can find a link to the composition here:

The 2021 Sutton Music Festival came to a close on 28 November at Overton Grange School with a Gala Concert of prize winners. Trophies and prizes were presented by the Festival President and Sutton Mayor Councillor Trish Fivey.
Councillor Trish Fivey said before presenting the prizes: ‘I think we will all agree that we have had an exceptional afternoon of music and drama. The Festival goes from strength to strength.
I know that last year due to the COVID pandemic, you had your first ever virtual Festival, with entrants sending in videos of their performances. I understand it was a tremendous success.’
This was the 88th Festival, held every year (except the war years) since 1928. It took place over three weekends throughout November, and covered vocal, instrumental and piano playing, speech and drama. The Festival offers participants the chance to perform before an audience and get expert feedback from professional adjudicators.

David Drane – Sutton Music Festival Chairman
The first ever (and hopefully the last!) internet-only Sutton Music Festival has come to an end, with 500 entrants submitting their videos of piano, string, wind or brass instruments, singing, poetry and drama.
Each entrant’s video was appraised by a team of adjudicators who gave feedback on each performance together with a mark. Although trophies were not awarded this year, and it was not possible to hold the usual end of Festival concert, the Festival was welcomed and much appreciated by performers.
Said Festival Chair David Drane: ‘When the COVID-19 pandemic made it clear that it would not be possible to hold the Festival in its usual way, we had to choose – cancel or go on-line. It was clear that music and drama teaching was continuing on-line, and so although we had no experience of an on-line Festival, we decided to get on with it. It is important that music and drama students in these difficult times still have the opportunity to perform and receive critical feedback.
‘I would like to thank all the entrants, who submitted an excellent collection of video performances, overcoming the many hurdles, some having to perform with backing tracks, also our volunteer staff for arranging all the logistics, and especially our panel of adjudicators, who rose to the occasion.’
The number of entries to the annual Festival, which is being held virtually because of COVID restrictions, has exceeded expectations.
Says Chairman David Drane: ‘I am delighted! We knew that planning a virtual Festival would not be easy, and were not sure how people would respond. Entrants need to provide a video, which we are submitting to the adjudicators, who will send back written feedback. It’s not the same as performing live music, but we know a lot of people have been practising their music during lockdown, and this gives them the opportunity to get professional feedback.’
The 2019 Sutton Music Festival came to a close on Sunday 1st December at Overton Grange School with a Gala Concert of prize winners. Trophies and prizes were presented by the Festival President and Sutton Mayor Councillor Muhammad Sadiq.
Councillor Muhammad Sadiq said before presenting the prizes: ‘This has been a really fantastic concert. We have seen some amazing talent. It should be called ‘Sutton’s got Talent!’ I want to thank all those who have contributed to this year’s Festival’.
This was the 86th Festival, held every year (except the war years) since 1928. It takes place over three weekends throughout November, and covers choral singing and vocal, instrumental and piano playing, speech and drama. It offers participants the chance to perform before an audience and get expert feedback from professional adjudicators.

Prize winners with the Mayor of Sutton Cllr Muhammad Sadiq
New Chairman & Festival Organiser – 2019
Following Judith Burton’s decision to step down as Chair and Festival Organiser after 22 years, others have come forward. The new team will be led by David Drane (Chair) and Jo Periam (Festival Organiser). Judith will be Hon. Vice President. Says Judith ‘I am delighted that the Festival (now in its 86th year) will continue. I wish it well for the future, and will of course continue to give it my help and support.’

New Chair – David Drane
Retirement of Judith Burton – April 2019
The Executive Committee were very pleased to host a party at the end of this year’s AGM to thank Judith Burton for all she has done to lead and support the Festival for so many years. Judith was presented with a memento, some vouchers for concert tickets, and flowers. Said new Chair David Drane: ‘We really are very grateful for Judith’s tireless work as Festival organiser (since 2004) and chair (since 1997). I am delighted that she has agreed to be the Festival’s Hon Vice President, and we look forward to her continued advice and support.’